
Inpresseon is an effective and cost-efficient package from inPress Online that delivers combined PR, SEO, and social media services. This provides a more modern approach to traditional public relations, placing brands into three key areas of today’s media:

  • In the online press
  • Atop the Google rankings
  • On the social timelines

We can still provide supporting services to amplify this messaging even further, but particularly for SMEs and start-ups looking to take a fresh approach to marketing, Inpresseon is a great way to start building momentum and stand out from the crowd.

How it works
We begin by working with you to create quality content about your business, be that in the form of a press release, video, report, or whatever it may be. This is then sent out to the industry and (inter)national press, to give a still influential media sector ‘first dibs’ on breaking this new story…

We then publish this content on your own site and SEO it to maximise visibility (along with your main pages while we’re about it). You might think of this part of the process as ‘Google relations’, because just as it has traditionally made sense to build strong relationships with journalists and influencers, it’s now more important than ever before to make friends with Google – particularly in the age of AI.

Once all of that’s done, we push this all out on the social, giving you something unique and different to talk about on your timelines, in contrast with the increasing amount of ‘pure product placement’ style posts you see from businesses today.

At the end of the process we sit down, look at the metrics, figure out what worked, where engagement came from, how we can develop brand messaging further, etc., and these analytics feed into the next round of content creation.

Inpresseon is what inPress Online is at its heart all about – giving your business a content engine that enables it to be in a constant state of press, regularly pushing out fresh ideas and sparking new and engaging conversations along the way! Simply get in contact today to start creating an Inpresseon with your brand.